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Most girls in the rural areas of Nepal either don’t have access to or can’t afford sanitary products therefore they often use cloth, newspaper, or even grass during menstruation resulting in infections, rashes and overall bad hygiene.
41% of girls in Nepal skip school while on their periods resulting in them missing a week of school every month causing them to fall behind and eventually drop out. Many women do not know how to dispose of their non-reusable sanitary pads, some flush them down the toilet resulting in blocked toilets and some even go to the extreme of burying them. Those who can buy disposable sanitary pads often use the same one for multiple days in a row which is unhygienic and can be dangerous.
This is where you come in, we are hoping to receive donations to support our project not only for the financial aspect, but also for the amelioration of girl’s lives that you will undeniably help. We would like to ask for donations to be able to create jobs for the women who will fabricate the reusable pads and to offer sanitation kits consisting of 3 reusable pads to school girls who suffer from poverty in rural areas of Nepal, whilst also providing information on how to look after yourself on your period. Reusable pads will offer an eco-friendly solution to these problems, which in retrospect was, and is still causing damage to the environment today.