Protecting our planet, Protecting you.

  • Partners

    We are searching for partners interested in supporting a fair trade business. Contact us to purchase our products in bulk and help create jobs for women .

  • Shop

    All of our products are handmade using 75% of natural fabrics. We Employ women struggling with poverty to give them the chance to change their lives.

  • About

    Take a look at our founder’s journey, our brand’s story and the women behind your products.

Invest in Nepal

Our creations are made by a talented group of women in Pandeli and Gargati in Nepal. We wish to set up more sewing workshops in rural areas across Nepal, and all over Asia in the future to allow poverty-stricken women a chance to turn their lives around and become independent

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We believe that self-care is essential as it helps to maintain a healthy relationship with your mind, body and soul. Investing in natural products will contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Together, taking care to our children.

Reusable nappies are the healthier, more environmentally friendly, and more financially responsible option, give it a try.

Improve your relationship with Mother Nature

It is our responsibility to look after our planet, take the first step by choosing our eco-friendly, reusable products.

Abolishing Period Poverty & The Taboo Surrounding Menstruation

Most girls in the rural areas of Nepal either don’t have access to or can’t afford sanitary products and often resort to the use of a cloth, newspaper or even grass during menstruation. Help us give them the sanitation they deserve.

Claire Butez

- Founder

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

- Robert Swan

Why should you choose our products?

  • Sustainable

    Fair trade is based on the desire for a sustainable partnership for development. It is based on fairer and more respectful exchanges between producers and consumers. Fair trade is an essential source of income for farmers. It is an opportunity for…

  • Health

    There is a universal lack of transparency with what is within disposable sanitary products e.g. added chemicals causing rashes, allergic reactions, illnesses etc. Our products are free from pesticides and chemicals allowing you…

  • Nepal

    Our company is based in Nepal, where all of our products are fabricated. We are a company focused on fair trade for our workers allowing them to be well-paid for their work. We have trained over 60 women…

  • Women

    We believe that women should be paid and treated equally to men in the professional world as they are, without fail, paid less than their male employees. Families in Nepal depend on…

  • Accessibility

    We strive to ensure that women across the world have access to better sanitary products. Our aim is to distribute reusable sanitary pad kits to women and girls starting with those here in Nepal…